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Saturday, December 24, 2011



1.     God Almighty: All company activities are center to the fact that God almighty is the provider of all things we need in the company, he must be respected and honored. He is our first biggest asset in the company.

2.     Employee or People: They are second biggest asset in the company they must be respected, loved, trained and supported well to do their work.

3.     Customer centered approach : They are third biggest asset in the company, they must be respected, treated well, we must go an extra mile to meet each and all needs they bigger enough to be problem for them. Provide to custom solutions to their problems or big needs.

4.      Accountability- Responsibility of our actions that influence the lives of our customers and fellow workers.

5.      Balance- Maintaining Healthy life and work balance for workers. 

6.      Collaboration-Collaborating within and outside the company to give the best.

7.      Commitment-Commitment to roll great product, service and other initiatives that impact lives both within and outside the organization.

8.      Community- A sense of responsibility and contribution to society that define our existence.

9.      Consistency-Be consistent in offering the best for wonderful experience.

10.      Diversity- Respecting the diversity and giving the best of the composition.

11.      Efficiency- Being efficient and effective in our approach to give best solution each time.

12.      Empowerment- Empowering the employees to take initiative and give the best.

13.  Fun- Having fun and celebrating small successes in our journey to achieve big.

14. Innovation- To come out with new creative ideas that have the potential to change the world.

15. Integrity-To act with honesty and integrity without compromising the truth.

16. Leadership- The courage to lead from front and shape future.

17. Ownership- Taking ownership of the company and customer success.

18. Passion-Putting the heart and mind in the work to get the best.

19. Quality-Giving the best and unmatched results for all round satisfaction.

20. Respect-Giving due respect to self and others and maintain the environment of team work and growth..

21. Risk Taking- Encouraging self and others to take risk for a bright future.

22. Safety- Ensuring the safety of people and making sure to give them trouble free experience.

23. Service Excellence- Giving the best and world class service and achieving excellence each passing day.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Social Responsibility : International Civil Responsibility & Responsibility to Peace and Saving Lives.

1. Two state solution.
2. Israel & Palestine to use of sanitation of sea water in the mediaterian sea for drinking water.
3. To build a train from Gaza to Jerusalem to west bank.
4. Sea and airspace to be protected by Israel.
5. Israel to expand the land from the meditation sea using (Land reclamation from the sea coast).
6. Israel and Palestine to exchange settlements.
7. Israel to control border crossing with the help of Palestine.
8. USA government to protect the state of Israel existence using missile defense system.
9. Jerusalem to be the protected city by both Israel and Palestine, under Israel.
10. USA to offer aid to both Palestine and Israel institutions and central government.
11. Palestine to total accept the existence and the right of Israel state existence.
12. Isreal nation to take control of Jerusalem in exchange of allowing palestine authority the 1967 boarder line.

Please note: This documents has an automatic copyright protection from the copyright laws of Tanzania and international treaties signed by the Tanzanian government. This document will be filed or has been filed with COSOTA (copyright body of Tanzania) and other copyright bodies’ worldwide.

Please note : This work is also protected by God the almighty, do not steal it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Social Responsibility. 4 ( Chadema Party ). 2012.






DATE: November 14th 2011.


P. O. BOX 77190
Cell: +255-716-163219

Please note: This documents has an automatic copyright protection from the copyright laws of Tanzania and international treaties signed by the Tanzanian government. This document will be filed or has been filed with COSOTA (copyright body of Tanzania) and other copyright bodies’ worldwide.

Please note: All the proposal sent to Chadema party are also protected by power of God, if anyone wants to use them out side Chadema kindly contact senior Chadema official and Nissi Mwamba for that matter, I encourage you not to steal the idea or copy ideas in this proposal with out the permission from Nissi Mwamba and senior chadema officials.

Table of Contents.

1.     Food safety.

2.     Recycling program.

3.     Water management.

4.     God in the new constitution.

5.     Land reforms.

6.     50 years of independency.(The challenges and what ahead).

7.     The Think Tank factor.

8.     The creation of nation day of prayer.

Introduction:  The Company feels to further contribute to the national development through Chadema party. This contribution of ideas on how to address problems facing the nation. This kind of social responsibility is very important for the national development and it touches many lives locally, and contribution to the national well being.

1.      Food safety: The rate of cancer in Tanzania has serious gone up (mercury, lead, PCB in the food in the ecosystems and food or source of food may be cause).  Requesting government chemistry laboratories to test for mercury metal, lead metal and PCB,( type of plastic )  in the following foods.

A: Fish of all rivers in the country. (Test all types of fish in all our water bodies other than the sea).

B: Fish of the sea. (Test all types of fish in the Indian Ocean).

C: Local vegetables. (Test all types of vegetable in Dar es Salaam and up country).

D: Local and foreign candy or sweets. (Test all types of candy or sweets in Dar es Salaam and up country). For example in the USA sweets or candy from Mexico had shown to contain traces of lead metal.

Request for new laws that will stop sea and river pollutions from industries and sewage facilities and also give stop the use of sewage and industrial waste water into being used for irrigation purposes. Give more power to the police, TFDA, and environmental agencies of the government to arrest people who pollute or use sewage or industrial water for irrigation. Put serious criminal punishment on polluters in Tanzania, minimum of 2yrs in jail and fines. Establish a hot line toll free number to report polluters of all types in Tanzania.

2.     Recycling program: The effect of plastic paper bags and bottle to the environment is big, no longer a thing that can be ignored. I suggest following program.

A: Government to also enter into the business of recycling of plastic material to further speed up the removal of plastic material in the environment.

B: Start the recycling of plastic paper bags of all types and shape in the environment now, through the government recycling machines and other foreign and local investor’s machines.

C: Government to invite more foreign investors into the area of plastic material recycling.

D: Government can also start a recycling program where by every who buy a plastic related material or papers bags or bottle is charged 25 Tsh tax for paper bags and 50 Tsh tax on plastic bottles. The tax is refundable upon returning the plastic bad or bottle to government collection center near you, this program will speed up plastic material collection and removal from the streets.

A: The refund will be 30 Tsh on current plastic bottle material and 20 Tsh on old plastic bottle. The same tax of 50 Tsh is collecting for both new and old plastic bottles.

B: The refund will be 15 Tsh on current paper bags material and 10 Tsh on old paper bags. The same tax of 25 Tsh is collecting for both new and old plastic paper bags.

Important remarks: The support to the recycling above will create more low skills jobs which are important for people living in the low income blacket.

3.     Water Management: The world population has reached 7 billions and UN reports and many report around the world show a bad trend on clean water resources, that is clean water shortage a problem now and in the near future, many countries including Tanzania have missed their targets on clean water to the population in urban and rural areas made by UN millennium challenge goals and other international agency and local policy commitment. I propose the following program to help the country have enough water for its people.

1.       Sanitations of sea water.

2.      Sanitations of rain water.

3.      Sanitations of sewage water.

Please note: The three proposals above should solve all water problems in the country and especially the provinces in the coastal areas where we can use the sanitized sea water, through such technology Dar water problems are thing of the past.

4.     God in the new constitution: We are in such time in our nation and world at large that we have proven the fact that the almighty God exist, and that no explain we have now that is bias free that remove the fact that God exist. Mathematician have shown that the odds that the earth and its systems where not the act or created by a Supreme Being are almost zero. The country must stay neutral on all religious matters but it must give find a common ground to give respect and honor to the creator of the heaven and earth. A nation without recognizing the exist of almighty God is nation that will not prosper and it’s a lost nation.

A: The new constitution could invoke the following statements.

1.       The nation and government is neutral on all religious matters same has the current constitution states. (Because religion has nothing to do with God almighty). Religion is man in search of God.

2.      The nation and the government gives respect and honors to the Supreme Being responsible for the creation of our earth and heaven or universe.

3.      The government has the right to understand, investigate, find, know, the Supreme Being the creator of our earth and heavens or universe.

5.     Land Reforms: Change of land laws & rules and procedures to allow for the following changes.

1.     Introduce a grid system in land mapping and demarcation, nation wide, so that to introduce order in the land demarcations. (Similar system introduce in the USA & Canada in 1800 or 1900 and still used today).

2.     No any new land development for residential area or industrial area should be made with out sewage system, water systems, road network, and other basic things to sustainable life being ready, it will force local residents and local governments to plan better the towns and cities.

6.     50 years of Independency. (The challenges and what ahead): We have come a long way as nation. I working on economics paper that attempts to urges that the Mwalimu Nyerere policy of self reliance was not a bad policy but it was just under a bad economic and political system, the policy works best under free market economy and multiparty democracy. Kilimo Mwanza is not new policy it’s just a new word under the same policy of self reliance of Mwalimu Nyerere. The first president vision for self reliance was meant for national security reasons but also for means to create jobs in the country. Under the policy of self reliance at the time it took into account the nation competitive or corporate advantage. If this policy would have been continued by other government followed after him, we would have been a stronger nation interm of exports market and other capabilities. Most industries that begun with mwalimu nyerere time dead because of luck of stronger industrialization vision and goals of the president after him.

1.     We now can not even produce a bicycle in the country after 50 years.

2.     We now can not even produce radio when at same point in time we used to produce radio under Philips Company locally. We are not producing any radio may since 1987 locally.

3.     We can not even produce simple electronics things such as Battery or electric Torch, TV, Computer parts, Electric fan etc after 50 years of independency.

4.     We can not make to many basic things (look around you, almost (80 to 90) % of what you see is from China). Chinese are damping products to our economy, that are sub standard in nature. The trade balance with china must be very big and who is working hard to address. China are one of the world biggest buyer of Gold, how much of our Gold is sold in or to China, what we see is same kind of neo colonialism of china through trade.  

Please note: Its sense of patriotism for everyone in the country to be given an additional civil responsibilities that includes looking for foreign investors and also bring tourist into the country. You might not believe that Tanzanian may have better connections with foreign companies and citizens more than the government and therefore they must also use those connections to bring into the country investors and tourist.

7.     The Think Tank Factor: This is the challenge for nation where we only have one think tank in the country of 40 or more million people. For now the only think tank in place is the national planning commission, which is under the president of Tanzania office, and the second think tank is Tri state group company limited the company that I own. For the nation to develop we need the president of the nation  or government to find more gifted thinker in our nation to develop the best of the government programs for national and international development. Tri state group company limited is think tank in national security matters & science and technology matters & economics matters. We can find a correlation between the more the think tanks in country or ideas generated in country the more or better the economic growth and development in country.

A: All economic growth model and including nissi mwamba growth model suggest the need for development of new ideas for economic growth and development.

B:  Before Nissi Mwamba patents and copyrights coming to light, this country patents per capita was worse at the level of 40,000,000 / 300 which is to 133333.3 patents per capita.

8.     The creation of nation day of prayer: To be public holiday or normal day where by each member of the public will be given a chance to cry to their God or supreme being for the national good, everyone has responsibility to cry to God for the forgiveness of the wrong committed from the day of independence and praying for peace and stability our nation and development of our societies and national as whole. Surely, surely, surely I tell you if we has nation do not invoke the almighty God for his assistance on development matter, peace and stability matter and all challenges facing our nation today, we will not make it at all. (It’s also possible to make the independency day to be also the national day of prayer or choose a different day all together).

Final remarks: We all into this ship called Tanzania, we all must play our part based on the God given gifts and talents and position in life to contribute to national good or development. If we do not play our part and this ship sink, we are all going down. I want to stand in the positions below (1 to 7) give my contribution to the national development agenda through Chadema.

1.       Civil responsibility locally and internationally.

2.      Patriotism (the love for the nation of Tanzania and world at large).

3.      God almighty in me who is positive force of change to the people lives and communities around us in Tanzania and the world.

4.      President of the company. (Believer in making a positive difference to the community around us at once or one person at a time).

5.      Member of Chadema party.

6.      Tri state group company limited social responsibility. (Giving back to the communities around us anywhere the company operates).

7.      Godly responsibilities to be the God to the challenges of our time. If God does not show the way then who does show the forward of any nation or the world.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Social Responsibility : 3 . Externity.

Social   Responsibility: 3. Eternity 101.
The biggest calling entrust into nissi mwamba is to take people to heaven and not hell. From the scientific and spiritual point of view heaven and hell are real. Many people who have had near death experience have testified hell and heaven to be real. Many testimonies around the world shows and proves after life is really for those who had near death experience in their life time. I had a near death experience in 2006 and suddenly my life was taken away I saw a biggest duckness in the after life and super great pain because I was not prepared to die, and God brought me back to life, I overcame death and all the whole death process. The following below are things I know will separate anyone for eternity for good, and I beg my fellow Christian and non believer to do what so ever they can to avoid them.
1.       Mocking the spirit of the almighty God.
2.       Fighting the almighty God.
3.       Betraying the God almighty.
4.       Rebelling against God almighty.
The four are the most serious issues that people can do to provoke eternity divorce and separation from God or unforgivenable sin. The sin separate or divorce us in physical and spiritual from almighty God, just like the earthly divorce or separation in marriage setting today. Biblical history is very clear that those people or nations or authority that committed the (1 to 4) act above, never made it on earth and in heaven.
In marriage setting or any work of God today since God is covenanted or blesses or anoints your life work or  marriage or work of God that your doing or part of, and if you decide to commit the (1 to 4) above God is no longer part of the marriage covenant or your work or calling and hence nothing can restore you to him, true success comes him,  therefore your calling or marriage or work of God also dies because God is not part of your life or spiritual activities or calling. Those are the four things in the history of the bible that almighty God has dealt with the very tough hand to it. Never allow your marriage, wealth, life style, position, authority in life be source or factor of taking you to hell.
If made a simple conclusion that if anyone in my company or life around me won’t live up to the above standards (1 to 4), I will ask them to resign or move on with their life in (  wisdom &  peace & with love and right time and continue to pray for them ), I do not want to be seen or interpreted or known to directly or indirectly support or associate with their action, to avoid the interpretation or the term crime or sin by association (its biblical that those who had committed the worse sins where also separated or same times killed, in most cases these where sins that could not be forgiven). God is 100 % percentage of my life and what do and stand for.
This information above is priceless and it truly priceless. If I can save one person from hell or external separation, is the biggest social responsibility ever done on earth because it values are priceless and its value are external.
For long time since 2003 update, I have spent time into telling people individually or in group setting about the work of the cross for their salvation (Christians bearing fruits, and the wisdom of in winning souls) but also sharing with people of what it means of the four points above.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Social Responsibility. 2 ( Chadema Contribution ).





DATE: October 25th 2011.


P. O.
BOX 77190
Cell: +255-716-163219

Please note: This documents has an automatic copyright protection from the copyright laws of Tanzania and international treaties signed by the Tanzanian government. This document will be filed or has been filed with COSOTA (copyright body of Tanzania) and other copyright bodies’ worldwide.

Please note: All the proposal sent to Chadema party are also protected by power of God, if anyone wants to use them out side Chadema kindly contact senior Chadema official and Nissi Mwamba for that matter, I encourage you not to steal the idea or copy ideas in this proposal with out the permission from Nissi Mwamba and senior chadema officials.

Table of Contents.

A: Party reform agenda 2011-2012.

  1. Party social media advertisement.

  1. Party blog advertisement.

  1. Party search engine advertisement.

  1. Party new website with more features.

  1. Party FM & AM radio station.

  1. Party Digital TV station.

  1. Party construction of advance new head office.

  1. Party construction of new provincial head offices country wide.

  1. Party communication through spype.

  1. Party membership through SMS.

  1. Party membership through phone application.

  1. Party cells number database of members.

  1. Party e-mail address to each party leader up street level.

  1. Party Sacco.

  1. Party Video conference facilities.

  1. Party relationship with outdoor advertising industries.

  1. Party relationship with media companies.

  1. Party members of parliament’s websites, face book, blog, advertisements.

  1. Party fundraising through SMS, face book, blog, website.

  1. Party database of emails of all its members who have e-mail addresses.

B: National reform agenda 2011.

1.      National security issues

A:  Airline Radar.

B:  Registration of all companies that deal with national security issues.

C:  GPS boarder mapping.

D:  Access to justice in the country.

E:   National ID database.

G:  Accessible government Act.

                        E:   Economic patriopitism Act.

                        F:   Hepatitis (A & B) for adults, nation wide.

2.      Police reforms issues

A: Police intelligence unit.

B: Diplomatic police unit.

C: Tourism police unit.

D: Building of international standard criminal forensic laboratory.

E: Police commission agency with power to investigate police conducts and issues also oversee police policies and management activities.

F: Police criminal investigation to work with government chemistry scientist and labs for testing of evidences.

G: Member of the public to also allowed using the government chemistry DNA testing and other technology for testing paterninity and other criminal matters.

3.      National security intelligence reforms.

A:  Human intelligence unit.

B:  Foreign intelligence unit.

C:  Signal intelligence unit.

D:  Satellite imaging intelligence unit.

E:   Internal intelligence unit.

F:   Intelligence research unit.

G:   National security & Intelligence estimates unit.

H:   National security & Intelligence public relations unit.

I:    National security & Intelligence website.

J:    National security coordination office.

K:   National security emergence management unit.

L:   National security & Intelligence commission agency.

M:  National security & Intelligence environmental management unit.

4.       Military reforms.

A: Military intelligence unit.

B: Military research unit.

C: Military emergence management unit.

D: Military coordination office.

5.      Prison reform & criminal code reforms.

A:  House arrest.

B:  Probation sentence.

C:  Part time prison sentence.

D:  Parole agency.

E:  House imprisonment.

F:  Basic rights (TV & Radio & Public phone or cell phones) be allowed.

G:  International prison standards be followed.

H:  Prison health standards environment.

I:   Children imprisonments standards.

J:   Prison counseling services.

K:  Prison education services.

L:  Settlement of wrongful imprisonment.

M: Sex in prisons.

6.      Foreign policy reforms.

A: (Defense, Development, Diplomacy) equation.

B: Israel diplomatic relationship with Tanzania.

C: Human rights factor of foreign policy.

D: New foreign policy directions around the world.

E: What is our foreign policy of the government of Tanzania?

F: Foreign policy failures.

G: Foreign policy and constitutional factors.

H: Foreign policy and the vision 2025.

7.      Economy reforms.

A:  Pension companies must provide same form of interest of the money they get from their pension payment members to reduce inflation pressure on the money before retirement.

B: Agricultural equipments must be made available for rental bases at the municipal and district council in Tanzania for small scale farmers.

C:   Government to develop a policy for high tech sector in the country, and also develop land where these high tech companies or industries can be located (Tanzania Silicon Valley).

8.      Judicial & Law reforms.

A:  Access to justice. (Adoption case, Custody case, Divorce and Separation case, Criminal case, Estate cases, Women right issues, Child support payment).

B: Marriage Act law. (Introduction to option for Christian to have covenant marriage recognizes and accepted in Tanzania as part of the marriage Act and marriage certificate).

9.      New Constitutional reforms.

A:  Separation of powers.

B:  Any presidential appointment must be approved by parliament.

C:  Presidential appointment of Judges & manigistrates to be removed and to be done through a judicial commission agency.

D:  President to be given executive order powers for only emergence nationals security crisis that a subject to be reviewed by the parliament.

E:  New court system similar to the of the USA ( where by we have a supreme court with powers to hear all constitutional challenges cases and cases of high importance to the nation ).

F:   Total rejects Karzi court an Islamic court; it will contradict the founding nature of our nation.

G:  Vision 2025 and 2050 and the constitution.

10.   Educational reforms.

A:    Time table to new education system of (7, 5, 4) or (8, 4, 4).

B:  Changes in all educational syllabuses must be made publically available through all media out lets (TV, Radio, Websites, News papers) etc.

C:    Civic studies: strong (marriage, parenting, law issues, rights issues, access to government goods and services systems) to addressing the challenges of our time.

11.   Ministry of science and technology : ( National scientific laboratory & Government scientist position ) :

A: For Tanzania to make a significant contribution to the world of science and technology we need as nation laboratory of international standard for research and development of new ideas.

B: We need to collaborate with other scientific laboratories world wide in research and development of new ideas.

C:  The above A and B we need a new position of government chief scientist.

D:  All government labatory to be under the minister of science and technology.

E:  Establish board under the ministry of science and technology called Tanzania Space Agency.

F: Establish High tech policy & also find the locations where High tech companies can be located, place called Tanzania Digital Pack.


A: Party reform agenda 2011-2012.

  1. Party social media advertisement:

The world of advertising has greatly shifted to use the demographic power of social media, the ability to easy choose the demographic segmentation on the market place, things like face book was used by president Obama to get the youth, middle, and old voter to vote for him in the 2008 general elections, its powerful tool, Chadema party should just use the them method regarding to advertise to face book on things like,

A: General elections.
B: Single elections.
C: Fund raising.
D: Party brand image.
E: Individual party candidate brand image (Having a face book account and followers on face book, twitter, others including a face book page).

  1. Party blog advertisement:

The can also take a new free tool that is develop a party blog, a tool that will increase the Chadema party web or search engine or internet visibility more than ever before and hence further build the party brand over the internet and search engines across the world. The blog site that i suggest is which is under google.

  1. Party search engine advertisement:

The search engine advertisement that i suggest for the party are as follows.

A:  Search Engine Optimization: This is free tool in most search engines including Google, on placing on choosing how you advertise your website or blog or face book pages, meaning under what key word you want to get the ranking, suggested key words to use,

1.      Party in Tanzania.
2.      Political party in Tanzania.
3.      Best political party in Tanzania.

B:  Pay per click search engine advertising: This is a service that you pay for its use and I would suggest that you use Google and Yahoo search engine with budget of 100,000 Tsh to 250,000 Tsh, Monthly, key words to use are as follows.

1.      Party in Tanzania.
2.      Political party in Tanzania.
3.      Best political party in Tanzania.

  1. Party new website with more features: The current party website needs more user friendly features such as follows.

A: RSS feed.
B: Party membership newsletter e-mail registration.
C: Podcasting files download.
D: Video file download.
E: Part picture gallery.
F: Others.

  1. Party FM & AM radio station: The party should try to work hard to buy the TM and AM radio equipment which will cost about 100 million Tsh or less and same thing that the party can afford, it will give the party the ability to channel it party message and information to the public and potential voters easily.

  1. Party Digital TV station: The party should try to work hard to buy Digital TV station equipment which will cost about 100 million Tsh or less and same thing that the party can afford, it will give the party the ability to channel it party message and information to the public and potential voters easily.

  1. Party construction of advance new head office: The party should and must work hard to build a new headquarters, that which will send a message that this party is here to stay, we as party are here for long term and not short term event or process or life.

  1. Party construction of new provincial head offices country wide: The party should and must work hard to build a new regional headquarters in the each province which will send a message that this party is here to stay, we as party are here for long term and not short term event or process or life.

  1. Party communication through spype: The party can cut communication cost if they can adopt the use of spype as tool used by all party official and members, to communication using Spype VOIP and Spype Video call, Spype teleconference for joint meetings.

  1. Party membership through SMS: Buy an SMS servers and work with cell phone companies to step up a SMS system that will allow members of the public country wide to send their full name, date of birth , location they live, to any number they will be charge 500 membership application fees and they will be automatically sent a membership ID. They can use the ID to get an identification card under the same ID number received via SMS.

  1. Party membership through phone application: Buy an e-mail servers and work with cell phone companies to step up a e-mail system that will allow members of the public country wide to send their full name, date of birth, location they live, to any number they will be charge 500 membership application fees and they will be automatically sent a membership ID. They can use the ID to get an identification card under the same ID number received via e-mail.

  1. Party cells number database of members: The cell phone number received via SMS for the membership application can be can stored and database developed, that can be used to communicate party activities.

  1. Party e-mail address to each party leader up street level: Provide party e-mail address to all party officials from district level to national level.

  1. Party Sacco: The party can open up Sacco for its members who can put money in the Sacco to allow them to get a loan for all reasons including party election such as presidential and parliament. etc.

  1. Party Video conference facilities: The party can make arrangement with party donors or international or local companies offering such services to also offer to them, Dar es salaam institute of technology have such technology, or if possible have a cable communication system. It will save the party communication cost and make easy to participate or be part of many meeting and conferences taking place abroad.

  1. Party relationship with outdoor advertising industries: It very important for the party to establish a good working relationship with outdoor advertising industries, and also encourage the outdoor industry some time to donate free space for party advertising on billboards. If possible the party can also think of having same billboards structures that are party owned around the country built for party activities only. Donate advertising billboards space can also be used to put party messages at anytime the billboard is available.

  1. Party relationship with media companies: This is priceless; the party needs to work on developing more friendship and relationship with media outlets nationwide and international wide.

  1. Party members of parliament’s websites, face book, blog, and advertisements: Each Member of Parliament must have the following form of media see below, it good for party image and also it make our candidate look professional and it improves the party images.

  1. Party fundraising through SMS, face book, blog, website, donated billboard space: The must work hard to fundraise money around the clock and through out the year using the following methods. The party should not wait until elections to raise money.

1.      SMS contribution: SMS contribution of 500 or 1000 or 2000 or 5000 or any amount above 5000 (sending an SMS message with which says E.g.  Chadema 5000, that voucher will be remove automatically 5000 your phone.

2.      Face book advertisement: Put up a small pay per click advertisement on face book in Tanzania, USA, UK where people can be able to send make necessary contributions through a special account of the party meant to receive contributions only.

3.      Party blog and party website: Put medium size advertisement on party blog and face can also have an advertisement message of contributing to the party also with party account number.

4.      Donated billboards: The party can make the special arrangement with billboard industry or companies to ask for free advertising space for party uses available to the party.

  1. Party database of emails of all its members who have e-mail addresses & Party weekly e-mail newsletter: Party can collect e-mail from members who want to receive a newsletter and from members who want to be communicated on any party matters. These e-mails can be used to send the party call to action for votes or campaign messages and other party activities.

B: National reform agenda 2011-2011.

1.      National security issues

A:  Airline Radar: The current radar coverage in Tanzania is not 100%, either even if you combine the new military radar bought from UK and all other commercial radar available in Tanzania currently, the military radar and commercial radar are not communicating, neither they do not have any means of communicating between them for now, they both are not working 24 hrs inmost cases, parts of the country that are not covered are such as Kigoma, Songea etc. The following situations below are possible to happen.

1.      People may smuggle weapons or drugs in those areas where their no radar coverages.

2.      People may smuggle people or anything in and out of those area where there is no radar coverage.

My personal view is that I do not think that Tanzania has a 24 hrs plan to intercept any plane or any flying object on Tanzania airspace.

Source of this information: Tanzania aviation authority & Air traffic controller in Tanzania.

B:  Registration of all companies that deal with national security issues: Tanzania national security agency should and must categories all companies activities that affect directly or indirectly the national security of Tanzania and also give the list to BRELA so that BRELA together with them can register those companies in the national security database that exist with national security offices.

C:  GPS boarder mapping: The Tanzania board points, boarder stones, boarder land path between two countries are not marked by GPS USA based satellite system or Galileo satellite system European based satellite system. Not being able to do so it creates the following environments that might threaten the peace and stability of our country.

1.      If any nation moves the boarder stones it might create war and we might also not be in position to prove anything.

2.      If any nation changes the boarder land path it also might create a possibility of war.

Tanzania must work jointly with its all neighbors and UN boards to properly map our boarder that will also open up the challenges of mapping the whole country internal boarders and final create a GPS map of the important locations, country tourism attractions, and others.

D:  Access to justice in the country: Currently it sad thing that Tanzania after 50 years of independence its citizen luck the most basic of human right standard, that is access to justice. To the best of my knowledge that the country can afford to provide to its people legal assistance. Luck of legal assistance means luck of due process of the law and therefore the proceeding or the trial or hearing are deem unconstitional in many cases, this fact has been recognized by supreme courts of many countries including USA, UK etc. The country must do the following.

1.      The country must hire (5 to 10) lawyers in each and every district or municipal either to become a joint program between the central government and local government or a mainly central government program only. (The program will cover cases in the following areas, (criminal, adoption, custody, children rights, child support, and women rights issue) only for the poor and people with low incomes anything under 250,000 per month.

2.      All those who had criminal case finalized in court and they sentences must be given a chance for new trial with lawyer’s assistance.

3.      These lawyers must be paid well and also given all tools of work such computers, laptops, printers, and others be able to prepare their cases well.

Please note:  Personal remarks: A nation where by justice is not equitable and accessible is nation in danger of war or civil unrest.

E:   National ID database: The national ID database to make it effective it must be connected to other databases such as:

1.      Immigration database.
2.      National Election database.
3.      Police database.
4.      National security database.
5.      Board immigration checkpoints database.
6.      TRA database.
7.      Employment programs databases.
8.      Social security programs databases.

That means if you have national ID you can also register to vote if you do not have a voter’s card. Also make easier to get passports and other government services. Also foreigner living in the country for more than one year must be given form of ID unique to them, it good for tax collection and other security reasons identifications.

G:  Accessible government Act: New law to be establish that will give rise to acceptable government public goods and services to be offered in each and every province and district or municipality with out the need to came to Dar es salaam or Dodoma, also in that law the government can introduce the freedom of information access laws, rules and procedures. The government can do this on first and second phase.

1.      Offering online services.
2.      Set up citizen information service or bureau under the minister of information with 24 x 7 toll free number for people to call the government on any issue also they can act as the government main switch board to transfer calls to government departments and ministries.
3.       Also offer SMS government services.
4.       Also offer mobile phone tax payments services.
5.       Also offer mobile phone government fees payment services.
6.       Also offer phone voice command government services.

Second phase:

1.      Build government office of all essential government departments in (Provincial and district or municipal) level, offering public goods and services offered by the central government, instead of coming to Dar es salaam or Dodoma. The following must be national wide not limited to
A:  Central Bank.
C:  TRA driver license division.
D:  Student loan board.
E:  Other as the needed.

E:   Economic patriopitism Act: Establish a law that will make and force the government of Tanzania to give first priority on tendering of goods and services to a local Tanzania company or manufacturing offering the same goods and services that the government wants in an international standards or local standards under reasonable price.
F:   Hepatitis (A & B) vaccinations for adults, nation wide: Establish a nation wide campaign to vaccinate adult man and women in Tanzania with hepatitis (A & B), the disease is spreading very fast and the government must take action to educate the public regarding the disease also offer vaccinations. Currently their joint vaccination of hepatitis (A & B) combine available in the world markets.  

G:  Government continuity strategy: Establish clear national security law, rules, procedures, standards that will explain in clear terms how the government will central, district, and municipal governments will continue to exist under the following conditions.

1.      Nuclear bomb attack to Tanzania.
2.      Hydrogen bomb attack to Tanzania.
3.      Vacuum bomb attack to Tanzania.
4.      Terrorism attack which leads to loss of all government officials.
5.      Act of God such as earth quake, tsunami, volcanic activities, uncontrollable floods.
6.      Foreign or local attempts to over through the legitimate government.
7.      Anything conceivable to happen.

Other question to ask can we operate the government from these areas.

1.      Foreign Tanzania embassies abroad.
2.      Foreign Tanzania UN mission or embassies abroad.
3.      Under ground facilities in Tanzania.
4.      On the presidential jet.
5.      On any foreign government office nationwide.
6.      On private facilities nation wide.
7.      On tent same where in the country.

Do we have emergence infrastructure to use in the operation of the government in crisis such as.
1.      Satellite telecommunications.
2.      Satellite digital (TV & Radio) broadcasting.
3.      Mobile command and control facilities.
4.      Mobile health facilities.
5.      Mobile police facilities.
6.      Mobile court facilities.
7.      Mobile national security facilities.
8.      Mobile prison facilities.
9.      Mobile state house facilities.
10.  Mobile immigration facilities.
11.  Mobile military facilities.

2.      Police reforms issues:

To make the police force in Tanzania modernized to meet the challenges of our time, I suggest the following.

A: Police intelligence unit: This unit will be responsible with criminal intelligence matters it assist all areas of investigation of anything in Tanzania, it also work closely with national intelligence and security agency.

B: Diplomatic police unit: This unit will assist with protection of any and all local and foreign visiting diplomats and world leaders or ministers coming to Tanzania.

C: Tourism police unit: This unit will be responsible for tourist protections, so it will be in all tourism attraction areas in the country (from airports, to national parts, to near big hotels, near around tourist visiting areas).

D: Building of international standard criminal forensic laboratory: To effectively and efficiently address the issue of crime, it’s important to build the new forensic laboratories with modern equipments, and also it about time the police introduce polygraph machines to be part of investigation tool.

E: An independent board be establish called (Investigation commission agency): with powers to investigate any public figures for any criminal or civil matters include the police, judicial, national security official or any one working for the government of Tanzania, including the president, member of parliaments etc) it difficult for police or national security official or presidential staff or members of parliament to investigate themselves of any misconduct or criminal activities).

F: Police criminal investigation to work with government chemistry forensic laboratory department for DNA testing and testing of evidences in general, also criminal attorney or lawyers represent members of the public to have the same access to the government chemistry forensic laboratories.

3.      National security intelligence reforms.

For the national intelligence and security agency of the government to be effective and efficient in meeting the challenges of our time. Establish the following.

A:  Human intelligence unit: To collect any type of intelligence for the government for decision making purposes.

B:  Foreign intelligence unit: To collect any type of intelligence for the government for decision making purposes using foreign intelligence sources.

C:  Signal intelligence unit: To collect any type of intelligence using telecommunication equipments for the government for decision making purposes.

D:  Satellite imaging intelligence unit: To collect any type imaging of intelligence for the government for decision making purposes.

E:   Internal intelligence unit: To collect any type of intelligence for the government for decision making purposes locally in the country.

F:       Intelligence research unit: Institution for the studying and developing the art & tools & and knowledge on national security and intelligence matters.

G:   National security & Intelligence estimates unit: Center for statistics on foreign and local national security positive and negatives threat, analysis and predictions, for decision making purposes.

H:   National security & Intelligence public relations unit: Public relation department to answer questions and issues raised by the public, including collection suggestion and even intelligence from the members of the public.

I:    National security & Intelligence website: The national intelligence and security agency to have an official website where it can communicate to the members of the public base information of what they do and how the public can be of help to them, other organization around the world do that , such CIA, MI6 etc.

J:    National security coordination office: The is the office that coordinate with all other government offices such as

1.      BRELA.
2.      Immigration.
3.      Military.
4.      Office the president.
5.      Office of parliament.
6.      Office of vice president.
7.      Tanzania embassies abroad.
8.      All ministries of the government.
9.      Police.
10.  Prison.
11.  National hospitals.
12.  Fire departments.
13.  National TV stations and radio.
14.  National airports and airport authorities.
15.  All boarder points and sea ports.
16.  All major government learning institutions.
17.  Government research centers.

K:   National security emergence management unit: Emergence events are part of day to day world affairs and government organs need to prepare for any emergence event that might threaten the national security of Tanzania.

M:  National security & Intelligence environmental management unit: It now acceptable fact the environment is posing a threat to national and international community, nations need to take a different approach to address them.

04. Military reforms.

A:   Military intelligence unit: Establish military intelligence unit for the purpose of war intelligence and warfare intelligence distribution.

B:   Military research unit: Establish military research center, for research on all military issues including weapons and military systems and technology.

C: Military emergence management unit: Establish center for military emergence management, this center will be able to prepare for military actions, assistance, mobilization and activities to meet the national emergence challenges.

D: Military coordination office: Establish a center that the military can coordinate with the following,

1.      BRELA.
2.      Immigration.
3.      Other military of foreign governments.
4.      Office the president.
5.      Office of parliament.
6.      Office of vice president.
7.      Tanzania embassies abroad.
8.      All ministries of the government.
9.      Police.
10.  Prison.
11.  National hospitals.
12.  Fire departments.
13.  National TV stations and radio.
14.  National airports and airport authorities.
15.  All boarder points and sea ports.
16.  All major government learning institutions.
17.  Government research centers.

05.  Prison reform & criminal code reforms.

A:  House arrest: This will reduce prison numbers and also reduce cost of imprisonment of no serious danger prisoners.

B:  Probation sentence: This will reduce prison numbers and also reduce cost of imprisonment of no serious danger prisoners, it will also reduce cost of government in same sector E.g. If people’s sentence to go and clean public toilet, or market place or government offices

C:  Part time prison sentence: This is when same one is only goes to prison on part time based such as weekend only. This will reduce prison numbers and also reduce cost of imprisonment of no serious danger prisoners.

D:  Parole agency: It’s good to establish an independent board that will review prisoner’s performance if one has shown a good change in behavior or character can be release early to the public.

E:  House imprisonment: This will reduce prison numbers and also reduce cost of imprisonment of no serious danger prisoners.

F:  Basic rights (TV & Radio & Public phone or cell phones) be allowed: Public TV owned by prison management should be allowed on weekdays afternoon weekends afternoon. It’s important that people know what is happen in outside life; it difficult to rehabilitate people if they are total separated from reality of life outside prison system. TV and radio are part of prisoner rehabilitation to the real life that awaits them.

G:  International prison standards be followed: Prison must be treated well. The prison sleeping and eating standard is poor in prisons. Prison death numbers are real bad in Tanzania and something that can be avoided.

H:  Prison health standards environment: The prison health standard in Tanzania a so bad, local and foreign human rights NGOs, District and Municipal medical officers, government chief doctor, should be allowed to visit the prison system to inspect them for international and local health laws compliance.

I:   Children imprisonments standards: Children under the age of 18 yrs should be put in the same prisons with adults.

J:   Prison counseling services: Prisoner should receive counseling of behavior training and if necessary spiritual counseling of things that brought them into prison in the first place and how they can change their behavior, character or altitude so that not to reoffend again.

K:  Prison education services: Prisoner be equally allowed to take student loans to study course that are offered online or through mail.

L:  Settlement of wrongful imprisonment: Prisoner who are imprison wrongful for more than 5 yrs the government must compensate them.

M:  Sex in prisons: For the prisoners, who are married, should be able to be allowed to have sexual relationship of same form with their wife to reduce the incidence of homosexual behavior or psychological issues on prisoners.

06.  Foreign policy reforms.

A: (Defense, Development, and Diplomacy) equation:

1.      None of the equation above on foreign policy in Tanzania are very clear defined or clearly used, the government just does what it feel it wants to do.

2.      We have policy to fight terrorism no eastern African country for now is offering assistance to help Kenya fight al shabab or Uganda fight Joseph kony. Whether even the eastern union makes sense.

B: Israel diplomatic relationship with Tanzania: For long time it not clear as to why the government of Tanzania is recognizing Palestine authority that is not yet a country and fails to recognized or establish a clear diplomatic relationship with Israel. Many Tanzania go to Israel for religions reasons and other reasons that those going to Palestine size of Israel. Christian are really suffering when wanted to go to Israel. Currently they go to Kenya or Cairo to get visa to go to Israel that add or give them additional cost. Also for long time Israel has offered or willing to offer emergence assistance to save Tanzania lives, including the ship crisis in Zanzibar in September of 2011.

C: Human rights factor of foreign policy: Has nation can not preach to other nations on human rights issue if our selves do not have a such good record on the subject matter, because we do not have the moral authority to address the issue  effectively to others.

D: New foreign policy directions around the world: Foreign policy are tools used now days to push for local and international economic growth, diplomats are involved in looking for invention investors to invest in their country, or help local company in their country win an international tenders.

1.      Tanzania investment center can work with Tanzania foreign embassies abroad.

2.      Tanzania district government can also work with Tanzania foreign embassies abroad to sell their district economic potential and profile to foreign investors & NGOs etc.

E: What is our foreign policy of the government of Tanzania? :  For many Tanzania it is not known, expert have describe the current Tanzanian government foreign policy be .

1.      Poor in substance & objective & realistic goals.
2.      Not clearly defined.
3.      Not easily achievable.
4.      Heading in the wrong direction.
5.      The minister responsible is not doing a good job to communicate the foreign policy of the government to the members of the public.

F: Foreign policy failures: Every things discussed in this section of foreign policy constitute a foreign policy failure of the government. The government has to do more.

G: Foreign policy and constitutional factors: One thing that the government of Tanzania has forgotten is that the foreign policy of Tanzania must live up to international laws and Tanzania constitution or it can face challenges in a court of law locally or internationally.

1.      For example the issue of recognizing the Palestine authority to be country and their set up diplomatic relationship can and be unconstitutional under the Tanzania constitution and international law. Palestine is not country or not clearly independent government with (judicial, center government, military, land with clear boarder etc) most of their activities are done with Israel government permission.

H: Foreign policy and the Vision 2025: I do not know any part of the foreign policy of the government of Tanzania is supporting the vision 2025, and if they are doing that I do not know what programs are in place at the ministry of foreign affairs to support the vision 2025. The vision 2025 is easily achievable if the ministry of foreign affair does it work properly and clearly. The vision 2025 is supposed to clearly to be added to the foreign policy of the government and programs must be established to the support the vision 2025.

I:  International organizations to be invited: Ministry of foreign affairs must try to invite foreign organs of UN and other to open their regional office in Tanzania to boost conference tourism and local tourism industries, such organizations as ITU, and others (UN and non UN bodies).

07.  Economy reforms.

A:  Pension companies must provide same form of interest of the money they get from their pension payment members to reduce inflation pressure on the money before retirement.

B: Agricultural equipments must be made available for rental bases at the municipal and district council in Tanzania for small scale farmers.

C:   Government to develop a policy for high tech sector in the country, and also develop land where these high tech companies or industries can be located (Tanzania Silicon Valley).

08.  Judicial & Law reforms.

A:  Access to justice:  This program to be under the ministry of justice and constitutional affairs must target these importance social areas or needs of the public. (Adoption case, Custody case, Divorce and Separation case, Criminal case, Estate cases, Women right issues, Child support payment). The due process of the law is the fundamental human right issues of our time that it can no longer be ignored.

B: Marriage Act law:  (Introduction of marriage option for Christian to have covenant marriage recognizes and accepted in Tanzania law as part of the marriage Act and marriage certificate). This type of marriage will restrict divorce and separate to bible standards and it will allow for counseling before divorce or separation of couples to be done with church elder or court appointed counseling services. This type of marriage will reduce the divorce rate in the country which affects family and children. Strong marriage institution the strong the family and hence less social problems which lead to strong nation. The biggest factor for poverty and under performing school children is the poor family up bringing or poor marriage management or institution that the government is not address those issues at the moment.

       09. New Constitutional reforms.

A:  Separation of powers: This is an important constitutional concept that recognized the unique nature of different level of government and their powers, it important for checks and balance in the government and not abusing governmental powers or authority, it’s also bring more efficiency and specialization to government staffs. The current system it too much for minister also be MPs and ministers at the same time and also do party responsibilities etc.

B:  Any presidential appointment must be approved by parliament: This bring to the government additional checks and balance to avoid presidential abuse of office powers.

C:  Presidential appointment of Judges & manigistrates to be removed and to be done through a judicial commission agency: To avoid the presidential power to be abuse and president to choose Judges and Magistrate of poor quality or same of his friends (this will be similar system to the Kenya new constitution).

D:  President to be given executive order powers for only emergence national’s security crisis that a subject to be reviewed by the parliament: This is very importance for the president to be able to address very fast the national security crisis or challenges of our time facing the nation at the time.(This is similar to the USA presidential powers ).

E:  New court system similar to the of the USA ( where by we have a supreme court with powers to hear all constitutional challenges cases and cases of high importance to the nation ): This structure has also be adopted by the new Kenyan constitution.

F:   Total rejects Karzi court an Islamic court; it will contradict the founding nature of our nation: The nation was found on the principle of religious neutrality, and the fact the no Tanzanian will be willing to allow tax payer money be used to fund or establish the court system. Its best to let religious matters be left out of the government. If this is not handle well it might course civil unrest in the country.

G: Giving the vision 2025 and 2050 a constitutional protection and powers of enforcement, therefore making the vision 2025 and 2050 the government official bench mark or standard of performance.

   10: Educational reforms.

A:    Time table to new education system of (7, 5, 4) or (8, 4, 4): Government of CCM does have a political will to give the public a clear stated time table to the change in education system, the new education system it will be less expensive and more productive than the current system, making the new education system good for economic growth.

B:  Changes in all educational syllabuses must be made publically available through all media out lets (TV, Radio, Websites, News papers) etc: The biggest problems to the changes in syllabus in Tanzania is that it not well communicated to the members of the public, such poor communication approach may unjustly create a situation where by student fail exams and they sue the government for failer to communicate effectively the new changes which resulted to their failer. The government even now can still get lawsuits for bad communication practice it had in the past on changes in new syllabus.

C:    Civic studies: Syllabus reviewed and more strong information be added topic such as associated with (marriage, parenting, basic law( criminal case & civil case ), human rights , access to government goods and services systems) material addressing the challenges of our time: The added material will address the following problems. (From primary to secondary schools).

1.      Parenting problems: studies have shown that poor up bringing is the biggest source of under performance in student in schools.
2.      Poor marriage: create the following things such as, divorce, separation which psychologically & socially affect children life or mothers of those children who most the of the time can not be able to raise the children alone.
3.      Basic law: material be added to address the issues of access to justice, which is so poor in Tanzania, the current judicial system favors, in such away that the rich get justice and the poor do not.
4.      Tanzania poor: human rights record is also a reason as to why the government must add more educational materials. Things like the UN declaration of human rights must be tough in schools from primary in Kiswahili version to English version in secondary.
5.      Access to government goods and services: Currently it’s more evidently that Tanzanian do not know where to get what from which government office, also they do not know which leaders has what power or authority of the government under what local laws or constitutional power of office to help them with what so ever need they may have. Knowing such information give them a better way to know how to channel their problems and needs to the government.

D:    Application of knowledge be given more importance: Gone are the days where we just studying material for the sake of passing the exams and move on in life while we have not learn anything or applied the knowledge we have to solve an exist problem in the country or internationally. Changing by passing what is called examination setting law requires the following standards to any exams not be less that the structure below. (From primary schools to university levels).

1.      General questions: 25%
2.      Specific questions: 25%
3.      Application of knowledge ( solving a real thing in life ): 50%

11. Ministry of science and technology reforms: (National scientific laboratory & Government scientist position):

A: For Tanzania to make a significant contribution to the world of science and technology we need as national laboratories with international standard for research and development of new ideas.

B: We need to collaborate with other scientific laboratories world wide in research and development of new ideas.

C:  The above A and B we need a new position of government chief scientist.

D:  All government labatories to be under the minister of science and technology except the government chemistry. Establish the following government laboratories under the new position of government chief scientist.

1.      Nuclear laboratory.
2.      Aerodynamics laboratory.
3.      Electronic semi conductor’s laboratory.
4.      Protein & enzymes engineering laboratory.
5.      Plant engineering laboratory.
6.      Space science laboratory.
7.      Particle physics laboratory.
8.      Classical & Quantum physics laboratory.
9.      Chemistry laboratory.
10.  Medical engineering laboratory.
11.  Energy laboratory.
12.  Super computer simulation laboratory.
13.  Telecommunication laboratory.
14.  Computer science laboratory.
15.  Agricultural laboratory.

E: Establish board under the ministry of science and technology called Tanzania Space Agency. We as world has enter a time where space activities are real and happening, we need a vision and goals of how the country will tap into space activities for economical and technological growth.

F: Establish high tech policy & also find the locations where high tech companies can be located, place called Tanzania Digital Pack. (Similar to Silicon Valley) in the USA. This digital pack to part of ministry of science and technology program. This program working with Tanzania investment center will together invite high tech companies around the world to invest in Tanzania. Also stimulate the local high tech industries to take part of this program. The land can be found in Goba area or Kigamboni area.

G: ITU (International telecommunication union): is planning to open 10 to 20 offices in African countries to help with testing of safety of new phones coming into African region.

1.      Minister of foreign affairs and minister for science can ask ITU also to open that office in Tanzania.

2.      Tanzania must also new law that requires all new phone imported to the Tanzania market be tested with ITU to be found safe for human use before coming to Tanzania.